Welcome to "What Up, Cuz?" A podcast that dissects the minutia of the mundane and the triviality of the extraordinary. Two cousins, Kasey Williams and Tyler Williams, and their friend Joe, on separate journeys that intersect with each other, come together to discuss their respective past, present, and (hopefully) future...
Kasey and Tyler are regaled by
some Mikey stories. Mikey goes camping, Asian hair, prostitutes and
cupcakes, a two-fingered Angel,electrocution, throwing trash cans, how snakes
are born, girl fights andSoap. whatupcuzshow.com
About the Podcast
Welcome to "What Up, Cuz?" A podcast that dissects the minutia of the mundane and the triviality of the extraordinary. Two cousins, Kasey Williams and Tyler Williams, each on separate journeys that intersect with each other, come together to discuss their respective past, present, and (hopefully) future...